Thursday, April 26, 2012

Footers, ditches, and water....oh my

Once the digging started, things moved along fairly quickly. First there was a hole, then some trenches, then a ditch, then before we knew it, they were pouring concrete footers. There's just lots of fun happening on our hill, by the pond.
My dad was only home for the first two days of building and then headed to Virginia for a vacation. He was enjoying the first day, though, and has already introduced himself to the workers. He's our "onsite manager" so will be checking on things and will serve as their contact while the Canuck and I are working. He's pleased with that role...and happy to help. Gosh I do love my dad!
Looks like fun, huh? Well it is pretty darned exciting. We're very happy with the two sub-constractors doing this work. They have been professional and are working hard on my house. I like that in them. :) While construction is going on, I've visited several lumber and home improvement stores to gather prices on items for the house, i.e., faucets, lighting, bath fixtures. As the general contractors, the experts claim we can save an additional 5-10% by comparison shopping for the constructions materials we will need (including siding, roofing, dryway and other materials), and we're taking that advice seriously. I'll be sharing more about this, and the deals we have gotten in future posts. Stay tuned....

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